Prof. Pierre Pinson

IC-REST > Prof. Pierre Pinson

Prof. Pierre Pinson

Pierre Pinson is the Chair of Data-centric Design Engineering at Imperial College London, Dyson School of Design Engineering (U.K.), a Chief Scientist at Halfspace (Denmark). He is also an affiliated Professor with the Technical University of Denmark-DTU, Department of Technology, Management and Economics.

He is an IEEE Fellow (class of 2020), as well as an INFORMS member and an IIF director. Pierre is on the Highly-cited Researcher list of WoS/Clarivate in 2019, 2020 & 2021 (cross-field category) for numerous high-impact works in statistics, meteorology, economics and power/energy engineering. The core focus of his research, teaching and consultancy activities is on how to generate optimal value for society from data.