Author Guidelines

IC-REST > Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines


The language of the Conference (presentations and discussions) will be English. No translation to any other language will be available.

Type of papers

The authors can submit either an abstract not exceeding 400 words or a full paper not exceeding five (5) pages including references. In addition, first author can submit a maximum of two works (either two full papers, one full paper and one abstract or two abstracts). The papers/ work to be presented should report original, previously unpublished findings falling within the scope of the REST-24. The review papers are also welcomed if they give a thorough review in a particular narrow field with deep gap analysis. All papers will be reviewed under the direction of the International Technical Committee.

The templates for both abstract and full paper submission are available under the Templates page . Note that authors who decide to submit only an abstract, if accepted, will be included in the Abstract proceeding. The authors who are going to submit a full paper, their full paper, if accepted, will be published online in IEEE Xplore, the abstract also will be included in the Abstract proceeding.

Selected papers, i.e., those that contribute significantly to state of the art and report final research results, with proper literature review, will be assessed by the International Technical Committee will be invited to extend their work and publish it as full articles in Special Issues of partner journals   (Springer’s “Energy Systems” and “e-Prime Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy”) with the authors’ consent.

Abstract preparation

An abstract is an essential part of the paper because it summarizes the entire paper; it is the public’s window to your work and must allow the reviewers to make an intelligent decision about its acceptance. The abstract’s typical composition should be:

  • Motivation for the paper
  • Objectives
  • What was done
  • How it was done and validated
  • Main results
  • Concluding remarks

In writing the abstract, be quantitative, write it clearly and in good English, and do not exceed the imposed 400 words long. The abstracts, which International Technical Committee will review, can only be submitted online:

Full paper preparation

A full paper’s typical composition (IMRED) should be:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions

Every section of the full paper should give very concise and precise information. In authoring the full paper, be quantitative, write it clearly and in good English, and do not exceed the imposed 5 pages long limit. The papers can only be submitted online and will be reviewed by the International Technical Committee.

Paper submission and presentation

Each paper to be published in online Proceedings and special issues of journals will have to be presented at the Conference by one of the authors (presenting author). The papers will not be allowed to be presented by those who are not its authors. Papers not presented will not be published in the online Proceedings and will not be invited in special issues, no matter the reason for not presenting them. Each participating author will be obliged to present one paper orally at the Conference. Any additional papers by the same author may be presented in the poster sessions.

Types of contributions:

  • archival paper (published online Proceedings, may be invited to a special issue, which are submitted by the archival paper submission deadline and for which the fee was settled by archival paper fee deadline)
  • conference paper (which may be an original contribution, review paper, or work in progress, are published, or archived in Book of Abstracts and online Proceedings, which are submitted by conference paper submission deadline and fee settled by conference paper fee deadline)
  • conference abstract (published or archived in Book of Abstracts)

Types of presentation:

  • oral presentation (presented in one of the general or special sessions)
  • poster presentation (presented in one of the poster sessions)

The papers with archival value (archival papers), meaning those that contribute significantly to state of the art and report results of research, with proper literature review, will be thoroughly reviewed and may be candidates for publication consideration in Special Issues of partner journals .

If you have any questions, please check the FAQ section on the website or contact us at: